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Serve Digital Media logo

Serving to build your brand

Social Media Projects

Social media posts are made custom for each client according to their brand's identity.

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social media photo
social media photo

" Samuel is absolutely great to work with! His professionalism is only rivaled by his execution and creativity. I would 10/10 hire him again. "


Web Design Projects

Websites are custom made for each client, hand coded by our subcontracted developer. Inquire to learn more about the benefits of this approach versus Wordpress or WIX.

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web photo

"Matt did an awesome job creating our inventory program. It has worked flawlessly and is a huge time saver. We would definitely recommend him for any software design applications."


Video Projects

Video projects are made to showcase each client's brand in an engaging way for brand awareness and prospect understanding of the brand

"Samuel was phenomenal to work with! He took the pieces and fragmented ideas I started with and created a beautiful piece that represent me and my work well!"


General Branding Projects

Branding is important for marketing consistency as well as building a positive image to prospects.

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social media photo
social media photo
social media photo
social media photo
social media photo